Fielding stats are given overall and by position. In some cases, they will be identical.

1952 Fielding Game Log (overall)

1952 Fielding Game Log (overall)
Rk Gtm Date Tm Opp Rslt Inngs BF Inn PO A E Ch DP Pos
1122 (121)Aug 27BRO@CHCL,5-10GF31.000000PH 1B
September Tm Opp Rslt Inngs BF Inn PO A E Ch DP Pos
2151 (28)Sep 23 (2)BROPHIL,0-1GF307.0200201B
3152Sep 24BROPHIL,7-9CG499.0500511B
4153Sep 26BROBSNW,8-4GF164.0600611B
5155 (1)Sep 28BROBSNT,5-5GF348.0300301B

1952 Fielding Game Log (as 1B)